Page 23 - final.cdr
P. 23


       The objec ves of the Hackathon are to:

           a) Provide an opportunity for all SITAzens to join hands in developing solu ons that are aimed
              at accelera ng and improving SITA as an organisa on that enables public service delivery.
           b) Create an environment conducive for retaining talent, especially the youth, through talent
           c)  Create  an  opportunity  and  a  pla orm  which  can  be  u lised  to  reward  crea vity  and
              innova on within SITA.

           d) Promote cross func onal teamwork amongst SITAzens-Hackathons, by their nature, are
              teamwork ini a ves.
           e) Expose  SITAzens  to  the  4IR  ecosystem  through  partnering  with  Industry  in  providing
              mentoring and coaching for the Hackathon.
           f)  Ensure that solu ons are developed to solve the current and pressing issues.
           g) Create a new breed of problem solving and solu ons-oriented SITA professionals who are
              conscious  of  organisa onal  challenges  and  u lise  ICT  as  a  means  to  solving  these
              challenges by employing fresh and innova ve ideas.

           h) Create the right environment for the development of concepts that would not normally be
              put together.
           i)  Posi on SITA as a brand associated with a thought-leading and crea ve industry pla orm.
           j)  Provide sponsors and partners the opportunity to build networks with innova ve thinkers
              from the technology space i.e. developers, designers, entrepreneurs and others who have
              game-changing ideas.

           k) Build  and  extend  networking  beyond  the  Hackathon  audience,  and  capture  cri cal
              business connec ons in other parts of the business network, including entrepreneurs,
              investors, producers, writers and other crea ves.
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