Page 22 - final.cdr
P. 22

Implemen ng Corporate Strategy

       SITA has made great strides in posi oning itself to be ready to align with and start execu ng the

       proposed Government Digital Transforma on Strategy (GTS). Ci zens have a cons tu onal right
       to be able to communicate with their government efficiently and effec vely, and the evolving
       world of informa on and communica ons technology (ICT) makes this possible.

       Social consciousness is the driver for SITA's public service ethos and now that the vast majority of
       ci zens have access to smartphones, we can be er deliver on the cons tu onal right of access to
       informa on and to administra ve ac on that is just by designing smart business solu ons and

       implemen ng enduring technologies that meet government outcomes.

         “We need to demonstrate to our employees that we

         are working on the challenges that they highlighted

                     before a further survey is implemented”

       SITA has over the years, as per the SITA Act, focused on developing solu ons to enable public
       service delivery; however, there had arguably been lesser appe te for applying the same effort
       for internal services.

       Through SITA's concept of Open Innova on Hackathons, pla orms have been provided through
       which such crea vity can be leveraged upon, where SITAzens from different backgrounds and
       disciplines can join hands with the goal of crea ng func oning solu ons that aim to solve SITA's
       internal challenges.
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