Page 2 - final.cdr
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The sa sfac on of employees is directly associated with the efficiency of an organisa on.
Research shows that sa sfied, mo vated employees will create higher customer sa sfac on and
in turn posi vely influence organisa onal performance.
Not only does SITA as an organisa on benefit from measuring employee sa sfac on but SITAzens
do too – they got to make their voices heard because their opinions ma er. The Employee
Sa sfac on survey offered a measure to be er understand employees' a tude, feedback,
mo va on, and sa sfac on.
The areas where employees indicated that they were unhappy, were iden fied and an
improvement plan was developed around these areas. Employee sa sfac on will remain an
ongoing process where employees co-create the SITA culture and together determine what
sa sfac on is and how to achieve and maintain it.
Makgopelo Mkhwanazi
Execu ve Human Capital Management